Bloodpalt Soup

Bloodpalt Soup

1. Peal the potatoes and cut them to nice about same size cubes.

2. Peal the onions and chop them in the small pieces.

3. Place the potato cubes and chopped onions into the saucepan.

4. Pour water so much that the potato cubes and onions are covered.

5. Add bouillion cube.

6. Let simmer at a low heat for approximately 15 minutes or until potatoes are almost cooked.

7. At the same time fry the smoked ham on pan.

8. Slice the bloodpalt to bitesize cubes.

9. Add smoked ham and bloodpalt cubes to the soucepan.

10. Add water so that all ingredients are covered by water.

11. Add pepper and salt to taste.

12. let it simmer at low heat for about 5 minutes.


