Bob'S Carrot Halva...

Bob'S Carrot Halva...

1. Peal and grate carrots.

2. Put carrots, milk, and cardamom pods in a heavy pot and bring to a boil.

3. Lower heat to medium and slowly cook and stir until no liquid is left. (about 45 minutes to 1 hour, you may need to adjust heat).

4. Heat ghee in pan over medium heat.

5. When this is hot, put in carrot mixture.

6. Stir and fry until carrots no longer have a wet, milky look. (they will be a rich reddish brown about 10-15 minutes).

7. Add the sugar, sultanas, and pistachios.

8. Stir and fry another 2 minutes.

9. Serve with whipped cream warm, or at room temperature.


