Bodacious British Bangers And Baked Beans Brunch!

Bodacious British Bangers And Baked Beans Brunch!

1. Take a large griddle, skillet or frying pan and spray with cooking oil.

2. Cut each slice of bread into 3 fingers.

3. Heat the griddle/skillet/frying pan over a high heat and then as soon as it is hot, turn the heat down to low to medium. (Check by putting a teaspoon of water on the griddle, if it spits and dances over the surface, the griddle is hot.).

4. Place your sausages at one end and then your tomatoes at the other end. Keep turning your sausages regularly until they are evenly browned, then leave them to cook for 3 to 5 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of them.

5. After 5 minutes, carefully turn your tomatoes over to cook on the other side and then add your fingers of bread to gently fry, spraying with more oil if needed. Turn then after a few minutes.

6. Heat your beans in a small saucepan over a low heat.

7. Push your tomatoes, bread and sausages to one side to keep warm, and spray the griddle with more cooking oil if needed. Gently break your eggs on to the griddle and cook to personal requirements.

8. Arrange the bread fingers on a warm plate and then top with three halves of tomatoes. Then add three sausages to the plate and the beans - place the fried egg/s on to the plate and season with salt and pepper to taste.

9. Serve hot with a pot of tea, orange juice and toast if required.

10. Worcestershire sauce or HP sauce is also great with this!


