Boeuf En Brochette

Boeuf En Brochette

1. Combine marinade ingredients in a large glass bowl.

2. Add the meat and mix so that all the pieces are coated. Marinate for 1 hour.

3. Melt butter in a skillet and add onion.

4. Cook, stirring occasionally for about 7 minutes or until soft but not brown.

5. Scrape the marinade off the meat and add to the onion.

6. Add the wine, tomatoes and sugar and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until slightly thickened.

7. Purée the sauce in a blender until smooth. If it is too thin, reduce it over medium heat until it is the consistency of mayonnaise.

8. Let the sauce cool slightly and stir in the Dijon, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper.

9. Thread the beef cubes equally onto 6 12-inch skewers.

10. Cook over very hot heat, about 8 minutes for rare.

11. Allow one skewer per person and serve the sauce separately on the side.


