Boiled Red Snapper (Domi Chim)

Boiled Red Snapper (Domi Chim)

1. Remove scales from red snapper.

2. Remove flesh from bones leaving two fish fillets and the skeletal bony piece.

3. Cut flesh in 2" pieces.

4. Slice each of these into thin pieces, salt and set aside.

5. Squeeze out excess moisture from bean curd and mix well with finely chopped beef and seasoning listed above.

6. Dip sliced fish in flour.

7. Cut cucumber into thin matchstick lengths and sprinkle with salt.

8. Press out the moisture and stir-fry in a little oil.

9. Cut the carrot into matchstick lengths; add a little salt and stir-fry.

10. Cool and slice into thin threads.

11. Slice the mushrooms in thin shreds, salt over low heat until they turn green.

12. Fry peeled gingko nuts in a little oil and salt over low heat until they turn green.

13. Add fish sandwiches, then arrange prepared vegetable, egg strips and nuts attractively.


