Bolognese (Ish) Sauce

Bolognese (Ish) Sauce

1. In Wok (or large pan) fry the bacon until crispy, remove from pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.

2. Fry the onion, garlic and celery in the bacon fat until the onions are golden brown remove with slotted spoon and set aide.

3. Fry the mushrooms in the bacon fat for around 2 minutes; remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

4. Discard the bacon fat; wipe the wok and fry the minced steak in batches until well browned.

5. Once the last batch of minced steak is browned, return the rest of the minced steak and the bacon, onion, celery, mushrooms and garlic to the wok. Stir in the chopped tomato, tomato paste, chicken stock, red wine, and Worcestershire sauce; bring the sauce to a simmer.

6. Stir in the sweetcorn, oregano, cayenne pepper, honey, nutmeg; simmer on a low heat for at least 3 hours adding a little more chicken stock if required.

7. At the end of the cooking time, stir in the cream and let the bolognese stand for 5 minutes before serving.

8. Serve over your pasta or baked potato and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

9. NOTE: This is also good cooked in a crock pot on low heat for 10 to 12 hours, but you will need to cut down on the chicken stock.


