Braised Heart Slices In Sour Sauce

Braised Heart Slices In Sour Sauce

1. To prepare heart wash well, remove veins, arteries and blood. If beef, cut it across the fiber in 1/4 inch slices.

2. Pour water into saucepan or oven-proof dish to the depth of 3/4 inch. Add carrots, celery, onion, salt and green pepper, if using.

3. Place the heart slices on a rack in the pan well above the water.

4. Cover tightly, simmer meat until tender for about 1 1/2 hours, or bake it in a 250°F oven until tender about 2 hours.

5. Strain the stock.

6. Chill it.

7. Remove the fat and if you like use it in the gravy.

8. Use about 2 cupfuls of the stock. Melt the butter or fat. Stir in the flour. Stir in the stock.

9. When boiling add the meat and vegetables.

10. Add the lemon juice or wine, parsley and olives. Correct the seasoning with the salt and pepper.


