Brazilian Avocado Cream

Brazilian Avocado Cream

1. Peel, pit and roughly chop the avocado.

2. An easy way to remove the pit: after halving the avocado, with a flick of the wrist, plunge a knife into the pit, then give a slight twist and remove.

3. Voila!

4. Place avocado flesh into a blender with the lemon or lime juice, and puree until smooth.

5. Transfer mixture to a bowl, and with an electric mixer, gradually blend in the sugar-- slowly, slowly does it.

6. Then add cream and salt (just a little salt at a time, tasting as you go, to avoid over-salting), and blend further until well mixed.

7. Distribute mixture between 6 stemmed glasses and chill at least 4 hours in the fridge.

8. (Freeze it if you wish, but it is nicer just chilled).


