Brazilian Prawn Vatapa

Brazilian Prawn Vatapa

1. Put breadcrumbs in a bowl and stir in the coconut milk and leave to soak for about 30 minutes. Then puree in food processor. Set aside.

2. Peel fresh prawns and put shells with fish stock and tomatoes into pan bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes then strain.

3. In a food processor put the onion, chilli, dried shrimps and mix up until quite mushy, put thismix into a large fry pan with the palm oil and cook over a low heat.

4. Grind the peanuts and cashews in the food processor. Add this to the pan of onion mix. Stir in the breadcrumb puree and prawn stock and boil and stir for about 5 minutes then add the coconut cream, lime joice, prawns and garnish with fresh coriander.


