Bread Machine West African Banana Fritters

Bread Machine West African Banana Fritters

1. Add all the ingredients for the dough to your bread machine in the order suggested by the manufacturer and process on the dough cycle.

2. Remove the dough after the cycle ends and place on a lightly floured work surface.

3. With a floured rolling pin, roll out the dough into an 8-by-12-inch rectangle.

4. Cut into 2-inch squares.

5. Place on a nonstick or greased tray, cover, and let rise in draftfree area about 30 minutes.

6. Heat 1-inch of oil in a large saucepan or skillet until it reaches 365 degrees F on deep-frying thermometer.

7. Fry 3 or fritters at a time 10 to 15 seconds on one side until golden.

8. Carefully flip fritters and fry until lightly browned, 5 to 7 seconds.

9. Drain on crumpled brown paper bags or on several layers of newspaper covered with a sheet of paper towel.

10. Sprinkle confectioners' sugar over fritters.

11. Serve warm.


