British - Texas Style Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich Filling

British - Texas Style Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich Filling

1. Fill a large saucepan with water approximately half full, and add a dash of salt. Bring to the boil.

2. Gently lower in eggs with a slotted spoon.

3. Maintain a steady boil for approximately 4-5 minutes until eggs are hardboiled.

4. Drain eggs, and run under cold water for 2 minutes. Peel off shells.

5. Slice eggs using an egg slicer, or alternatively put into a large bowl and mash with a fork.

6. Add in 4tbsp of mayonnaise and stir so that all of the eggs are evenly covered (adjusting to personal taste). Mix in pepper to taste, a splash of lemon juice and a dash of salt. Set aside.

7. Slice Eckrich Sausage lengthways, and fry in a small frying pan with a splash of liquid smoke for 2-3 minutes until sausage is browned on the surface. Remove from pan.

8. Slice Sausage into small pieces and mix into egg mixture.

9. Allow mixture to cool, then spoon generously over buttered bread, or into a buttered bollero roll. (The butter prevents the bread from getting soggy if you're making this in advance for a lunch / picnic etc!) This recipe is great to make in advance and keep in the fridge for a quick sandwich etc.

10. Enjoy ;).


