Brochettes Of Melon, Prosciutto, And Fresh Mozzarella

Brochettes Of Melon, Prosciutto, And Fresh Mozzarella

1. Puree olive oil, basil and shallot in processor until basil and shallot are finely chopped.

2. Can be made the day before and bring out to room temperature for an hour before serving.

3. Make round balls from the smaller end of a melon baller, leave at least a half inch around the edges. Hold a toothpick with 2 fingers, stick in a melon ball with the rounded side down.

4. Next, roll up a piece of prosciutto and place it on top of the melon ball.

5. Then stick in a mozzarella piece at the end.

6. Stick the toothpick with the mozzarella side down into the rim of the cantaloupe.

7. Repeat until both half of the cantaloupe rims are filled with these little brochettes.

8. Can be made 2 hours ahead, cover and refrigerate.

9. Divide and pour the sauce into the 2 bowls of the cantaloupe.

10. Dip a brochette into the sauce and put the whole thing in your mouth at once.

11. Enjoy!


