Broke Guy'S Lazy Rice Cooker Pancake

Broke Guy'S Lazy Rice Cooker Pancake

1. Grease the rice cooker pot.

2. Combine pancake mix and required ingredients in the rice cooker inner pot. Be careful not to prepare more than the above listed amounts since you don’t want the pancake to rise to the lid and seal your pot shut.

3. Press the on button on your rice cooker and let the machine do its magic.

4. Wait until the rice cooker has finished cooking and make sure top of pancake is completely cooked through. Check by inserting a toothpick or clean knife into the center. If clean when removed, your pancake is done. If batter remains on toothpick or knife, turn rice cooker on for a few additional minutes.

5. Remove the rice pot and invert upside down onto a serving plate.

6. Garnish with your favorite pancake toppings, cut and serve. If this is for one person, food coma may occur and the recommended action is to get your butt out of the bean-bag chair and move it.


