Bubble &Amp; Squeak Cakes With Red Onion Gravy

Bubble &Amp; Squeak Cakes With Red Onion Gravy

1. For the bubble and squeak boil the carrot, parsnip, potato, celeriac, cabbage and kale in a pan of salted boiling water – and cook until they are very soft.

2. Mash and smash your veg up so they are roughly combined – it’s fine to leave chunks in it.

3. Soften the leeks in a little butter and then mix these into the mashed veg. Season the mixture well with salt and freshly ground pepper.

4. Divide the mash into 4 patties, like a hamburger. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes while you make the gravy.

5. For the gravy, heat a tbsp of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until they are soft and slightly caramelised.

6. Add flour to the onion and cook for a minute or two. This will thicken the gravy once the liquid has been added.

7. Add the red wine and a couple of sprigs of thyme and on a high heat to reduce slightly. Bring to the boil and then simmer.

8. Add the vegetable stock and a tsp of balsamic vinegar and leave the gravy to cook on a low heat.

9. Remove the bubble and squeak from the fridge. Melt some butter in a frying pan and fry the cakes gently in the butter until browned and crisp on both sides.

10. While they are frying, check the gravy, and season.

11. Melt a little more butter in another frying pan and fry your eggs (1 per person) season with salt and pepper.

12. Serve two bubble and squeak patties per person with the egg on top and the gravy drizzled around the side.


