Bunuelos With Orange Syrup

Bunuelos With Orange Syrup

1. combine the brown sugar and cinnamon in a small heavy saucepan. add the orange juice and water and simmer over medium heat until the mixture thickens and forms a light syrup.

2. remove from the heat and set aside.

3. rewarm if necessary before serving time.

4. for the bread, sift together the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and cinnamon into a large bowl.

5. add the shortening and mix with your fingertips to combine.

6. stir in the orange juice and water, working the liquids into the dough until a sticky ball forms.

7. dust a counter or pastry board with flour and knead the dough vigorously for 1 minute.

8. the mixture should be earlobe soft and no longer sticky. let the dough rest, covered with a damp cloth for 15 minutes.

9. divide the dough into 12 to 14 balls, each about the size of a golf ball. cover the balls with the damp cloth and let them rest for another 15-30 minutes.

10. if not for use immediately, the dough can be refrigerated for up to 4 hours.

11. dust the counter or pastry board with flour again and roll out each ball of dough into a circle about 1/4 inch thick.

12. trim any ragged edges and discard them.

13. To avoid toughening the dough roll it out only once.

14. cover the bunuelos with the damp cloth. don't stack the dough circles, because they might stick together.

15. pour enough oil into a high sided heavy skillet to measure at least 3 inches in depth. heat the oil to 375.

16. gently drop the first bunuelo into the hot oil. after sinking in the oil briefly, it should begin to puff and rise back to the surface.

17. avoid spooning oil over the top of the frying bread, as it will balloon too much.

18. when the bunuelo's top side has bubbled and risen more or less uniformly, turn it over with tongs.

19. cook the bunuelo until it is just light golden, remove it with tongs, and drain it on paper towels.

20. repeat the frying process with the remaining dough.

21. drizzle the syrup over the bunuelos and serve immediately.


