Burkinabe Spiced Lamb Balls

Burkinabe Spiced Lamb Balls

1. Add the salt and the peanut oil to a large frying pan. Heat the oil and add the onions, cinnamon, ginger, garlic powder, chilli flakes, coriander and cooked lamb. Saute until the onions have softened, stirring occasionally. Allow the mixture to cool.

2. Pass the ground lamb mixture once through a meat grinder/food processor. To the resulting conglomeration, stir in the eggs and then form into 1 inch balls before dipping in the breadcrumbs. Chill for an hour in the fridge before cooking.

3. Deep fry in batches at 355F for about 4 minutes until browned. Spear the balls with toothpicks and place in a bowl. Serve with a Piri-Piri dipping sauce.


