Cabbage Omelette With Sauce, Very Quick

Cabbage Omelette With Sauce, Very Quick

1. Quantities depend on how many you are feeding.

2. In a little butter, fry the following until limp.

3. Finely shredded cabbage;finely sliced onions; thin strips of carrot.

4. Take out and keep warm.

5. Beat two eggs with a crushed chicken cube and a dash of soy sauce.

6. In a small pot combine one cup of water, a chicken cube, dash soy sauce, a heaped teaspoon cornflour, salt and pepper, and bring to the boil while stirring.

7. Let simmer 2 minutes.

8. Pour omelette mixture into greased hot frypan, sprinkle over cabbage mixture, cover and cook over low heat till done.

9. Fold over and serve on warm plates, pour over sauce.

10. OPTIONAL; Add a little garlic, capsicum, or bacon to the veg.

11. Sprinkle a little cheese over the filling and finish under the grill.


