Cachupa Rica

Cachupa Rica

1. Add the beef, bacon, sausages and pig trotter to a pot. Add oil and saute for 5 minutes. Add the red potatoes, garlic, onion, chilli paste, bayleaves and salt. Saute until onions are translucent, stirring occasionally. Add 1 cup white wine then cover the pot and reduce to a simmer. Check in 20 minutes. Add cup of water. Return to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes, topping-up the water as necessary.

2. Meanwhile add the corn and beans to a pot with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook covered until the beans are tender (1 1/2 hour approx.). Transfer to a larger pot and add the meat mixture. Add a little more water, if necessary then bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes before adding the potatoes, cassava and cabbage.

3. Cook for a further 25 minutes then take off the heat, allow to stand for 10 minutes and serve immediately.


