Canadian Living Butter Pastry

Canadian Living Butter Pastry

1. Whisk together flour and sugar.

2. Cut in butter using pastry blender or 2 knives to fine crumbs, leave a few pea size pieces.

3. Mix egg yolk and water together and drizzle over flour mixture.

4. Toss together with fork until dough clumps.

5. Form dough into ball, and flatten.

6. Roll out on floured surface & place in pie/tart tin.

7. Chill dough 30 minutes.

8. You can blind bake at 400° for 15 - 20 minutes till edges start to turn golden, or fill and bake as directed by the pie recipe you are using.

9. If making in a food processor, put flour & sugar in processor bowl, pulse to mix.

10. Add cubed butter and pulse till you have fine crumbs.

11. Drizzle egg yolk & water mixture through feed tube while mixing.

12. When dough starts to form, remove from processor bowl, and proceed as above.


