Canadian Nova Scotian Cranberry Cheesecake

Canadian Nova Scotian Cranberry Cheesecake

1. CRUST: Combine the flour, sugar and grated lemon peel. Add 1 beaten egg yolk and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla. Mix well. Pat 1/3 of dough in a 9 inch springform pan. Only the bottom. Bake 8 minutes at 400°F or until golden. Butter sides of springform pan; attach to bottom. Pat remaining dough on sides of pan to about 1 3/4 inch.

2. FILLING: Beat cream cheese, add lemon and vanilla. Mix sugar, flour and salt. Blend into cheese. Add eggs and yolks, one at a time, beating just enough to blend. Gently stir in cream. Turn into crust in pan. Bake 12 minutes at 450 F., then 55 minutes at 300°F.

3. Remove from oven. Cool 1/2 hour. Loosen sides of cheesecake from pan with spatula. Cool 1/2 hour more. Remove sides of pan. Cool 2 hours longer.

4. TOPPING: Blend cornstarch with 1/2 cup water. Add cranberries, 1 cup sugar and 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Bring to boil and cook, stirring, until cranberries burst and mixture thickens. Top with cranberry topping on cooled cheesecake.

5. The Cranberry Connection, Cranberrie Cottage, Nova Scotia.


