Caramelised Banana Tartlets

Caramelised Banana Tartlets

1. Lightly brush a baking sheet with butter, place one sheet of filo pastry on a board and brush with melted butter, then another and brush with melted butter and dust with 1 tbls icing sugar. Now place a third sheet of filo on top and again brush with melted butter, then a fourth with melted butter and dust with 1 tbls icing sugar. Repeat this to create another pile with the rest of the filo.

2. Cut out 3 x 3inch circles from each filo stack so you have 6 stacks. Place onto the buttered baking sheet and bake in a pre heated oven at 350F/180C for 5-7 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and cool. Whip cream to soft peak and set aside.

4. Heat the caster sugar in a heavy bottomed pan over high heat until dissolved then add banana chunks and cook for 1 minute.

5. To assemble place a circle of filo on each plate, top with double cream, then a spoonful of bananas then another filo, cream and bananas. Top with third filo and dust with icing sugar. Drizzle a little of the caramel on the plate and decorate with a few segments of orange if desired.


