Caribbean Chicken Soup

Caribbean Chicken Soup

1. Saute the chicken & onion in the oil.

2. Add the remaining ingredients.

3. Simmer 10 minutes to allow the flavors to meld & the peppers to soften.

4. **To prepare fresh coconut: Preheat oven to 350°F Use a Philips screwdriver to poke holes in 2 of the 3 'eyes' of the coconut. Set on a measuring cup to drain the liquid ("juice") while the oven is preheating. A few shakes help. When drained, place in oven for 15 minutes. Strain liquid to remove any debris & reserve liquid - it could be anywhere from 1/2c to 1 cup or more. After 15 minutes, remove coconut from ovem & crack on hard surface. Use a strong spoon or similar device to pry nutmeats from outer husk. Use a vegetable peeler (or paring knife) to remove brown layer from the nutmeats. Rinse & use as desired.


