Caribbean Coconut Chicken Bites With Mango Cream

Caribbean Coconut Chicken Bites With Mango Cream

1. Mango cream:

2. Place the mango in a mini food processor and pulse till it is a pulp.

3. Scrape all of this into a bowl adding the sour cream, sugar, and extract. Mix well and set aside. Do not refrigerate this, it is best served at room temperature.

4. For Chicken -- in a bowl place 1 cup plus 2 T flour and set aside.

5. In another bowl place the remaining flour (1 cup plus 2 T), sugar, and salt.

6. Stir milk and extracts into this. The mixture should resemble a thin pancake batter (you may have to add a little more milk).

7. Set this aside.

8. Place the bread slices in a food processor and pulse till you have fine crumbs, measure out approx 1-1/2 cups.

9. Place these on a pie pan and place in a 350°F oven till lightly toasted and dried out.

10. Mix toasted bread crumbs in a third bowl with the coconut.

11. Preheat a deep fryer with oil according to the directions of the fryer.

12. Place a cooling rack on a large cookie sheet and cover the rack with paper towels.

13. Now one at a time drag each chicken bite through the pan with just flour, then using a slotted spoon drop it into the milk mixture coat well and use the spoon to retrieve it.

14. Drop the coated bite into the coconut mixture being careful not to get to much of the excess wet mixture into the coconut. cover evenly with the coconut mixture and set on a second cookie sheet.

15. After all the chicken pieces are ready begin to cook them in the hot oil. Just do a few at a time to keep your oil from cooling to much and becoming gummy. The heat time will vary a great deal on this because it is raw meat and it depends on how big of chunks you make them. Make sure they are cooked completely, you may want to test the first one out and see how long it takes to get it done thoroughly.

16. I cook mine for approx 5 minutes and the batter should turn a nice golden brown.

17. Remove from oil and drain on the cookie sheet that has been prepared with paper towels. Serve with mango cream.


