Caribbean Coconut Custard

Caribbean Coconut Custard

1. Place eggs, yolks, sugar, water and butter into a food processor and whirl until well combined.

2. Add coconut.

3. Whirl just to mix.

4. Set a 5-6 cup ring mold in a larger rimmed baking pan, at least 2 inches deep.

5. Pour egg mixture into mold.

6. Place both pans in a 350* oven.

7. Fill bottom pan with boiling water to halfway up the sides of the mold.

8. Bake until custard jiggles only slightly when shaken, about 50 minutes.

9. Lift mold from water and place on rack.

10. Let cool completely.

11. Invert a plate on top and invert custard onto plate.

12. Lift off mold.

13. Serve or cover and chill for up to 2 days.

14. Cut into wedges and serve with pineapple.


