Caribbean Curried Prawns In Pineapple

Caribbean Curried Prawns In Pineapple

1. Place shelled, de-veined prawns in a bowl and squeeze lime juice over them, set to one side.

2. Heat about 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan add onion and chopped chives, cook over medium heat until onions are soft. Add tomatoes and curry powder and continue cooking for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

3. Add fish stock powder, water, coconut milk and prawns simmer over low heat for 15-20 Min's. Add a little water to the cornflour mix and pour into prawn mixture, stir until mixture thickens.

4. Plunge the pineapples into boiling water for 3 minutes, drain. Cut them in half lengthways and hollow out flesh, as you are removing flesh there will be juice from the pineapple lying at the bottom. Add the juice from one pineapple to curry mixture.

5. Cut the flesh of the pineapple discarding hard core, add soft pineapple chunks from 1 pineapple to curry. (Depending on size of pineapple you may want to add both if they are quite small).

6. Heat curry through and spoon curry mixture back into hollowed-out-pineapples sprinkle with chopped chives. Serve with rice.


