Caribbean Key Lime Pie

Caribbean Key Lime Pie

1. To prepare crust, place coconut in thin layer on 2 (10 x 13-inch) cookie sheets.

2. Toast coconut in 350 degrees oven for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.

3. Stir frequently, and watch carefully.

4. Remove from oven and let cool.

5. Meanwhile, reduce the oven to 250 degrees.

6. In small mixing bowl, beat egg whites to stiff peaks, then slowly beat in superfine sugar until completely dissolved.

7. Fold in cooled coconut. Press this mixture into greased 9-inch pie plate and bake at 250 degrees for 7 minutes and set. Remove from oven and let cool.

8. To make filling:

9. Blend together sweetened condensed milk, lime juice, lime rind and rum in large mixing bowl.

10. Beat in the egg yolks.

11. Gently mix in sour cream to combine well.

12. Pour into cooled crust. Swirl meringue over top of filling.

13. Bake in 350 degrees oven 20 minutes or until meringue is nicely browned.

14. Cool, then chill at least 30 minutes before serving.

15. To make Meringue:

16. Beat egg whites in large mixing bowl until soft peaks are formed.

17. Gradually beat in sugar until whites are stiff, but not dry, being sure the sugar is dissolved.


