Carne Asada Burgers

Carne Asada Burgers

1. Combine 1/4 c lime juice, 1/4 c olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, and garlic powder in a large ziplock bag. Add beef patties in a single layer and lay flat to marinade. Marinade 1-2 hours, turning to marinade both sides evenly.

2. Combine 2 tbsp lime juice, 2 tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, and garlic powder in a small ziplock bag. Add green onions; marinade 1-2 hours, shaking now and then.

3. Combine salsa and mayonnaise and mix well; refrigerate sauce until needed.

4. Grill beef patties over gas or coals until cooked to desired doneness (about 12-15 minutes for 1/2 inch patties over hot coals for medium-well).

5. Grill green onions for a couple of minutes, until cooked and just charred around the edges. Toast buns if desired.

6. Assemble burgers by spreading salsa sauce on buns, topping with beef patties, grilled green onions, and avocado slices.


