Carne Asada With Tomato Jalapeno Sauce

Carne Asada With Tomato Jalapeno Sauce

1. Place all of the marinade ingredients, except for the steak, into a food processor and buzz them up. Then pour the mixture over the steak in a non-reactive container and marinade for about 15 minutes. Any longer and the acid from the lime juice will cook your steak for you!

2. Meanwhile prepare the sauce by buzzing the fire roasted tomatoes, jalepeno, garlic, vinegar, sugar, cilantro and salt & pepper in your food processor until you have a fine consistency.

3. Place this mixture in a pot over medium heat and cook for about 20 minutes, stiring constantly to make sure the tomatoes don't burn.

4. Grill the steak over high heat to your desired doneness (skirt steak is exceedingly thin so 2 minutes a side on my gas grill was about medium rare). It all depends on your heat, so since you're the cook, you decide!

5. Top the steak with the sauce and serve.

6. Optionally, to do it exactly like they do at El Torito, go ahead and roll the jack cheese inside a corn tortilla (which has been softened in a little bit of hot oil for 5 seconds), which you have baked just until the cheese melts. Place this enchilada on top of the steak before you spoon on the sauce.

7. Please enjoy.


