Cedar Plank Salmon W- Soya-Ginger Glaze

Cedar Plank Salmon W- Soya-Ginger Glaze

1. Warm up the BBQ to as hot as it will go.

2. Season fish with salt, pepper and rosemary.

3. Remove cedar plank from water and dry.

4. Apply olive oil to one side of the ceder plank.

5. Place the seasoned fish skin side down on oiled side of plank.

6. Make the sauce: combine Soya sauce, redwine vinegar, sugar, ginger and garlic in a bowl. Mix until sugar is dissolved.

7. Place the cedar planked salmon on bbq and baste with sauce.

8. Leave the lid open until the wood starts to smoke. Once the wood is smoking , turn down the BBQ temperature and close the lid.

9. Allow salmon to cook for approx 25 minutes at 350 degrees F with the lid closed basting with sauce every 5 to 10 minutes.

10. The under side of the plank should smoke, try to leave the lid closed so the flavorful smoke doesn't escape. Use spray bottle to extinguish any flare ups.

11. Do not handle the salmon, it will break apart, just let it sit on the wood. No handling/turning required.

12. Allow the fish to rest for a few minutes covered with foil before serving. The meat should be moist, flakey, smokey flavored with a caramelized glaze. Use a spatula to remove from wood. it should come off fairly easily if you oiled the plank well enough.

13. Serve with grilled veggies or whatever you desire. Enjoy!


