Celeste'S Strawberry Sighs Or Suspiros

Celeste'S Strawberry Sighs Or Suspiros

1. Combine sugar, water, lemon peel and juice, and salt in a saucepan.

2. Bring to a boil and cook without stirring until syrup reaches soft ball stage (234 degrees). Remove fro heat.

3. Beating constantly, pour syrup in egg whites.

4. Continue beating until meringue is cool and very thick.

5. For each sighs, spoon a heaping tablespoons of meringue onto a buttered baking sheet.

6. Top with a strawberry and spoon on just enough more meringue to completely cover and seal in the berry.

7. Bake in hot oven 450 degrees for about 3 minutes or until golden.

8. Remove to wire rack to cool.


