Celtic Cookery Colcannon

Celtic Cookery Colcannon

1. Peel the potatoes and cook till tender.

2. Finely chop the cabbage and cook in a little boiling water till tender.

3. Chop the spring onions, the green and the white both, and boil them gently in the milk.

4. Drain the poatoes, then mash them, seasoning well, using plenty of white pepper (start with 1/2 teaspoon).

5. Add some salt.

6. Beat the onions into the potato until they are soft and fluffy.

7. Melt 2 oz of butter and toss the cabbage in it.

8. Blend this into the potato mixture until all is a pale green fluff.

9. Dish it up as it is, or it can be fried on both sides in butter or bacon fat until crisp and brown.

10. Delicious served with bacon.


