Chaat Masala Spice Mix

Chaat Masala Spice Mix

1. Like all Indian/Pakistani spice mixes, dry roast the cumin and coriander seeds lightly in a frying pan. Cool for 10-15 mins before grinding.

2. This recipe sees 2 inda chillies - Spicy red chilly powder and sweet paprika flakes. Paprika may be substitued with Kashmir chilli powder or coarsely ground deghi mirch (small round chillies) with seeds,

3. Cream of tartar further heightens the tart note and is sold in a powder form.

4. Ginger powder si also known as sonth. Whole sonth stores well but is tough to run in the dry grinder. Buy ground sonth when possible.

5. Sal ammonia or Baker's ammonia further increases the tartness of the recipe. Known as Nohoder in Pakistan/India. Also known as Lime Salt. This is Ammonium Chloride or Mineral Salt.

6. Watch the clove powder - it is stinging pungent - fdont get liberal with it.

7. Hing = asafoetida. Contributes to the aroma (sour & sulphuric) and whets the appetite. This is a very bold spice mix, impertinent because of the foods it is going to enhance (bland yoghurt, boiled potatoes,etc). This strong flavors and aroma is its hallmark.


