Champagne Fruit Punch

Champagne Fruit Punch

1. Thaw fruit at room temp, do not drain.

2. Place fruit and juice in a blender or food processor bowl.

3. Add sugar, cover and blend or process till smooth.

4. To remove strawberry seeds, pour through a fine sieve or a sieve lined with a double thickness of cotton cheesecloth.

5. Put the pureed fruit in a 2 quart pitcher.

6. Stir in orange juice and lemon or lime juice.

7. The punch can be prepared to this point, covered and chilled in the frige overnight or till serving time.

8. Slowly stir in the champagne or sparkling wine, or pineapple juice.

9. Each serving can be garnished with a sprig of rosemary or tyme and a few cranberries.


