Chana And Aloo (Chickpea And Potato Curry)

Chana And Aloo (Chickpea And Potato Curry)

1. Heat a medium sized pot on medium high with some oil.

2. When oil is hot add in onion, bay leaf, chili, cumin & mustard seeds.

3. Sauté until the onion starts to go translucent add in garlic.

4. Sauté until mixture starts to brown add in sugar and curry powder. Add in more oil as needed.

5. Fry until mixture becomes dark brown not burnt it doesn't take to long and add in coconut milk, stir well. (This is a great basic curry).

6. Add in your potatoes and chickpeas, at this point you may need to add in some water, you want the liquid to be about one inch below the vegetable level. Stir well.

7. Bring mixture to a boil, stir and turn heat down to medium low, cover and cook, stirring the curry every few minutes, until potatoes are done. It is ok if the potatoes fall apart in fact it is yummier that way. Takes 15-20 minutes.

8. Add salt to taste.

9. Great on it's own, with some naan bread or on some rice.


