Chanko Nabe Sumo Wrestler'S Hot Pot

Chanko Nabe Sumo Wrestler'S Hot Pot

1. Notes: The Chinese cabbage used is called hakusai. The deep fried tofu used is called abura-age. It is thin sliced deep fried tofu. Also the zaar computer won't let me add Chrysanthemum leaves called shungiku which is a garnish. The Dashi-Konbu should be 4 X 1 1/2 X 4 inches.

2. Fish Balls: Put all ingredients in food processor and pulse to rough texture not fine. put in container and cover with plastic wrap and set aside.

3. Blanch the abura-age in rapidly boiling water for 30 seconds. Drain under cold running water and squeeze water out by hand. Cut in half lenghtways, then quarter crossways to make 8 rectangles. Cut each in half diagonally to make two rectangles. You should end up with 32.

4. Cut the bok choy into 2 1/2 inch lengths. Cut leeks diagonally in 1 inch thick oval shapes. Cut Daikon in 1/4 inch rounds. Cut hakusai in strips crosswise. Keep the stocks and leaves separate.

5. Grind citrus pepper. set aside.

6. Lay dashi-konbu on bottom of pan. Pour in soup stock ingredients to fill half of pan. bring to boil on high heat.

7. Cook fish balls: reduce heat to medium. Using a spoon scoop up the balls and shape into a ball using a metal spatula or a palette knife. Drop into boiling stock. Repeat until you finish fish paste. Skim surface frequently. Cook for 3 minutes.

8. Carefully add chicken pieces which have been cut into large bite size pieces, the stalks of the hakusai, shiitake, leek then tofu and abura-age. Simmer about 12 minutes or until chicken is done. Add soft parts of hakusai and the shungiku [Chrysanthemum leaves] and wait for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

9. Put pan on portable cooker on table and set at lowest heat [use a crock pot] Serve small amounts of ingredients in individual bowls.

10. Sprinkle with citrus pepper.


