Chardonnay Poached Leeks And Creme Fraiche Dressing

Chardonnay Poached Leeks And Creme Fraiche Dressing

1. Wash the leeks thoroughly and trim of the very tough green tops and the woody base.

2. Make sure you have some of the green as well as the white of the leeks.

3. Cut the leeks into 1" diagonal slices.

4. Put into a large saucepan and add the Chardonnay or white wine.

5. Add the sugar and stir around.

6. Bring to the boil, without a lid.

7. Turn the heat right down, put the lid on and simmer very gently for about 5 to 10 minutes or until the leeks still hold their shape & colour, but are soft. (Cooking times vary on whether the slices are 1" or smaller/larger!).

8. Add the creme fraiche, pepper & salt and mix gently.

9. Serve with some chopped parsley as a garnish, making sure everyone gets some of the wine & cream sauce!

10. N.B. Grated lemon is also very nice as a finishing touch, especially if you are serving it with fish.


