Charishma'S Amazing Chole Delight!!

Charishma'S Amazing Chole Delight!!

1. Heat oil in a wok.

2. Add cardamom, cinnamom, cloves and cumin seeds.

3. Stir fry for a minute.

4. Add the 8 finely chopped onions, ginger, garlic and green chillies.

5. Stir fry on medium-high flame for 20-30 minutes.

6. till reddish-brown in colour.

7. Add corriander powder, turmeric powder and red chilli powder.

8. Mix well.

9. Now add tomatoes followed by water and black pepper powder.

10. Mix well.

11. Continue to cook on medium-high flame for 10-15 minutes until the tomato pieces no longer remain visible to the eye.

12. In the meantime, boil the channa in water in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes on high flame.

13. Drain and remove from heat.

14. Keep aside.

15. Add salt to the tomato mixture and mix well.

16. Add the boiled channa and mix from down towards the top very nicely ensuring that the masala is all over the channa.

17. Add the finely sliced onions and remove from heat.

18. Mix very well.

19. Garnish with 4 green chillies sliced lengthwise to make 8 pieces.

20. Spread these 8 pieces all over the top of the channa.

21. Keep 2 halves of 1 lemon in the centre, face down on the channa.

22. Spread a layer of cilantro on top for that extra elegant and special look and added taste.

23. Serve the channa immediately with this.

24. ------Forthe accompaniment---------.

