Cheese Crusted Cabbage Soup

Cheese Crusted Cabbage Soup

1. Put the first four ingredients in a large and heavy-bottomed pan.

2. Add water, until it is 1 inch over the veggies, and the stock cubes.

3. Cover and cook until the veggies are very tender.

4. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Remove from heat.

6. Allow to cool down to room temperature.

7. Process once it has cooled down.

8. In the meantime, cut the bread into cubes.

9. Heat oil in a pan.

10. Fry the bread cubes (croutons) in the hot oil until golden.

11. Drain on clean paper towels.

12. Pour the soup into bowls.

13. Top with croutons.

14. Sprinkle cheese and Parmesan cheese.

15. Place under a grill.

16. Cook until the cheese is golden.

17. Serve hot.

18. Enjoy!


