Cheese Stick Onigiri

Cheese Stick Onigiri

1. Prep: Begin by cooking the rice until tender and fluffy. Do not rinse the rice of its starches before cooking because you want the starch to act as a sticking agent later.

2. While the rice is cooking, mix the salt and the warm water into a bowl until dissolved. Taste to test saltiness, add more salt if needed. Set aside.

3. Next, add together the Soy Sauce, Mirin, and the sugar cube into another bowl.

4. Take the cheese stick and chop finely. Then take 1/4 of the pieces and squish into a small ball with your hands. Make 4 balls total and place them into the Soy Sauce mixture.

5. When the rice is done place into a large bowl. Fluff the rice until it is hot, but not scorching. (You don't want to burn yourself!).

6. Making the Onigiri: First, dip your clean hands (I suggest removing all jewelry) into the bowl of warm saltwater.

7. Take a portion of the rice and spread it onto the palm of your hand. Make a small depression in the middle.

8. Place one cheese ball into the depression and close the rice layer on top of itself, adding more rice from the bowl to help seal the cheese inches.

9. Repeat above steps. If you find that the rice is sticking to your hands, just rewet them in the saltwater.

10. Eat warm, or pack them in your bag as a snack for later!


