Cherry Tomato And Feta Calzone

Cherry Tomato And Feta Calzone

1. Sift the flour into a mixing bowl.

2. Stir in the salt and yeast, then the warm water and olive oil.

3. Mix as best you can, either with your hands or with a dough hook attachment on your mixer, eventually forming into a ball.

4. Dust a work surface with flour and knead the dough for several minutes, until smooth and springy.

5. Cover and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes, while you prepare the filling.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan and soften the onions, garlic and mushrooms.

7. Add the whole tomatoes, oregano, dried basil (if using) and chopped olives to the pan and cook for about five minutes, stirring often, until the tomatoes are soft but whole.

8. Remove from the heat.

9. Take out the risen dough and break into four pieces.

10. Roll out one section of the dough on a floured surface until you have a circle about 20cm across.

11. It will be quite thin.

12. Lay on an oiled baking sheet and brush a 2cm border with egg.

13. Smear the rest of the dough with a spoonful of tomato sauce.

14. Pile a quarter of the filling on one half, plus a bit of both cheeses, fresh basil (if using) and a grinding of pepper.

15. Fold over the unfilled half, press the edges and seal with a fork.

16. Brush the egg mixture over the top.

17. Repeat with the remaining pieces and then bake for 15 minutes at 400F, until puffed and golden.


