Cherry Tomato Soup (Gary Rhodes)

Cherry Tomato Soup (Gary Rhodes)

1. Heat up the olive oil in a frying pan.

2. Add the red onions to the pan over medium heat until the start to colour and become softened; about 3-4 minutes.

3. When the onions begin to soften add the garlic and slowly cook both together until softened about a minute or so. (The garlic is added second to prevent it from burning and tasting bitter.).

4. Add the red wine vinegar to the pan and bring to a boil. Cook until only a bit of liquid is left. (Be careful not to reduce too much or it will give your soup a soury taste.).

5. Add the cherry tomato halves to the pan and fry for 10 minutes, making sure to stir occasionally so they don't burn.

6. Stir in the passata (see note in description of recipe above) and vegetable stock to the tomato mixture, bring to a low boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes more.

7. Taste the broth then sprinkle sea salt and pepper over soup to your taste.

8. Serving: you can serve with torn fresh basil leaves over top.


