Cherry Wild Rice Fruit Delight

Cherry Wild Rice Fruit Delight

1. Cook wild rice in a covered saucepan until very tender (almost mushy) about 40-60 minutes.

2. This is very important because the cherry brandy seems to harden the wild rice.

3. Add cherry brandy and simmer uncovered until excess moisture is evaporated.

4. Refrigerate.

5. This will keep in the refrigerator for a week--in the freezer indefinitely.

6. Pit and slice cherries, slice bananas then combine with wild rice and almonds.

7. Whip cream, powdered sugar and vanilla until thick.

8. Set some aside for topping.

9. Fold whipped cream and wild rice and fruit mixture together.

10. Refrigerate.

11. Before serving, stir mixture and serve.

12. Top with whipped cream, topped with almonds and cherries.


