Chicken And Vegetable Pot With Dark Broth (Tori Nabe)

Chicken And Vegetable Pot With Dark Broth (Tori Nabe)

1. Slice the chicken breasts into thin, bite-size pieces. Trim the scallions and leeks, then cut them into 2-inch lengths. Drain the grilled bean curd (it usually comes packed in water) and cut it in half lengthwise, then across 3 or 4 times to yield 8-10 bite-sized blocks. Rinse the mushrooms under cold water and trim off the dark yellow and brown roots (attached to fresh mushrooms). Peel or scrape the fresh burdock root, cut it into shavings (slender matchsticks), and soak them in cold water for a few minutes before draining. Or drain canned burdock root and blanch it for 10 seconds then drain again and cut it into shavings.Rinse and dry the greens and trim off any roots or flowering buds. If the stalks are longer then 4-5 inches, cut them in half. Cook the noodles, if using, and drain them well. Arrange all your ingredients attractively on a large platter or tray and bring it to the table.

2. In a large pot, combine the dashi, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Heat while stirring to melt the sugar. Bring the seasoned broth to a boil, then lower the heat slightly to maintain a steady simmer. Add half the solid ingredients (chicken slices, scallions, leeks, bean curd, mushrooms, and burdock root), and simmer 4-5 minutes. Add half the green leaves, cover, and cook another minuet or two. Have everyone help himself to what he likes, then replenish the pot with the remaining meat and vegetables and cook them as you did before. When all has been eaten, add the optional cooked and drained noodles and heat them through for a minute, serving some to each person with the soup from the pot.


