Chicken Burritos With Mushrooms And Sun-Dried Tomato-Goat Cheese

Chicken Burritos With Mushrooms And Sun-Dried Tomato-Goat Cheese

1. Heat oil in sauté pan until hot and add chicken. Toss and add cumin, salt and pepper. Add mushrooms and sauté mixture until chicken is cooked, about 4 minutes.

2. Blend in pesto until well combined. Remove from heat.

3. Place tortillas on flat surface, divide 1/4 of mixture in the middle of each one and roll into burrito. Before serving, place each burrito, seam-side down, on baking sheet and heat in preheated 225F oven, 5 minutes.

4. Pesto:

5. Pour boiling water over tomatoes and soak 15 minutes. Drain well. Place tomatoes, garlic, jalapeño, spinach and goat cheese in food processor and purée.

6. With motor running, pour in oil and process until well-blended. Season with salt and pepper.


