Chicken Enchiladas With Tangy Tomatillo Sauce

Chicken Enchiladas With Tangy Tomatillo Sauce

1. Heat the tomatillo sauce in a medium saucepan over low heat.

2. Warm up the chicken in a separate pan with a little water so it wont dry out.

3. When warmed up add the sour cream, onion and salt to the chicken, stir well and remove from heat and cover.

4. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium high heat.

5. When hot quick fry the tortillas to soften them-3 seconds each side.

6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

7. Pour 1 cup of the sauce onto a dinner plate.

8. Lay a tortilla in the sauce and flip to cover both sides with sauce.

9. Lay 2 T.

10. of the filling across the center of the sauced tortilla and roll up.

11. Place in a baking dish and repeat until done.

12. Pour the remaining sauce over the enchiladas making sure to cover each completly.

13. Cover with foil and bake for 10-15 minutes.

14. Remove foil and sprinkle on cheese, onion rings and radish slices.

15. Serve immediately.


