Chicken In Shallot Gravy

Chicken In Shallot Gravy

1. I use an electric frying pan with a lid to make this recipe.

2. Pour olive oil into pan, heat to 375 F.

3. Add chicken, sprinkle salt, pepper and a generous amount of Paprika over chicken to taste.

4. Turn chicken and fry until both sides are golden, about 10 minutes.

5. Transfer chicken to plate.

6. Add shallots to frying pan.

7. Stir up any brown bits, cover and let cook, stirring occasionally until tender, about 8 minutes.

8. Put chicken back in pan, on top of onions.

9. Add bay leaves to pan, pour wine over top of chicken.

10. Heat until most of wine has evaportated, leaving a syrupy mixture, about another 8 minutes.

11. Pour chicken (or turkey) broth over chicken.

12. Turn heat down to 325 F, cover and cook for 30 minutes.

13. Remove chicken from pan, whisk in whipping cream (not whipped) and nutmeg until incoporated into the sauce.

14. Return chicken to pan, turning to coat with sauce, and warm on low heat for about five minutes.


