Chicken Korma (Curry)

Chicken Korma (Curry)

1. Prepare items / mis-en-place before beginning to prepare the dish. Timing is everything and you'll have a much more enjoyable time and product if you prep items beforehand!

2. Slice onion in EVEN 1/8" slices (rings). It's very important to cut them evenly so they cook properly.

3. Mash 5 garlic cloves (traditionally in a mortar and pestle).

4. Cut chicken into 1 inch cubes (can use any meat or vegetable such as eggplant).

5. In a Med-Large pot, preferably heavy with a slightly rounded bottom, add the 1 cup of oil (suggest: ½ Vegetable, ½ Olive).

6. Heat for a minute or so and then add the sliced onions.

7. Stir occasionally until onions brown (5-10 mins) but do not burn. Adjust heat down towards the end of the cooking process. Onions need to be a dark shade of brown and almost crispy. When ready, remove the onions and place to the side leaving the oil in the pan.

8. Add 15 whole coriander seeds and 7 whole cloves to the oil. Stir and let sit for about 45 seconds.

9. Add the cubed chicken. Stir meat until the outer skin appears to be cooked.

10. Add 8oz of plain yogurt to the pot and bring to a boil.

11. In the meantime, add the browned onions to the mortar and pestle and turn into paste.

12. Keep cooking until meat is done and oil/yogurt coagulates and separates (5-10 mins).

13. Add the garlic paste and stir.

14. Add spices: ¾ Tablespoon ground coriander, ¼ Tablespoon of ground black pepper, 1 Tablespoon of garam masala, ¼ Tablespoon of turmeric, ½ Tablespoon of salt (or more to taste).

15. If needed, add a few tablespoons of water to deglaze pan and help prevent sticking.

16. Add the onion paste to the pot and mix to combine.

17. Add 1 Tablespoon of ground red chili pepper (less for less hot, more if you like it hotter).

18. Mix together and add small amounts of water gradually to make a pasty sauce. Lower heat.

19. Add a pinch of ground green cardamom and a small pinch of finger-crushed saffron.

20. Add ¼ tablespoon of Kewra Essence (Optional - This concentrated oil is made from pandanus flowers, and it's used to flavor meats, desserts, and beverages in India).

21. Add half of the cilantro to the pot and take it off the heat. Plate the Korma and top/garnish with the remaining cilantro.


