Chicken Lemongrass Soup

Chicken Lemongrass Soup

1. Boil the chicken stock in a large pot with the Tom-Yum Paste.

2. Add in the uncooked chicken and keep at a low boil till the chicken is cooked half through.

3. Bruise the lime leaves by rubbing them in your hand a bit to bruise them so they give off more flavor and aroma.

4. Bruise the lemongrass by hitting it with the flat side of a knife, as you would with garlic.

5. Throw the lime leaves and lemon grass into pot along with the fish sauce,lime juice, and chili flakes.

6. Cook on med-low for an hour- 45 min or as long as it takes the chicken to completly cook.

7. You can cook the chicken till its very tender and almost falls off the bone if you like --

8. Once ready serve hot, in a bowl with another bowl of rice.

9. *** ALL ingredients (lime juice, fish sauce, etc) can be increased or decreased to your liking -- I prefer this soup to be really sour, lemon/lime tasting and a bit spicy, while others may like more salty (add more fish sauce then) and sour flavor.


