Chicken Parmesan Pomodoro

Chicken Parmesan Pomodoro

1. Thin chicken breasts to 1/2 inch either by cutting down or using a meat mallot.

2. In a ziplock bag, combine 1/4 cup olive oil, rosemary, balsamic vinegar, worstershire and chicken breasts. Shake to cover and remove excess air. Place in refrigerator to marinade at least 1 hour (overnight is better).

3. In a Saute pan combine 1/4 cup olive oil shallots and garlic. Saute for 5 minutes.

4. Add diced tomatoes, and tomatoe paste & simmer 20 min add fresh diced basil and simmer an additional 3 minutes.

5. Remove from heat, place in food processor or blender and puree for 3-5 seconds. Replace in saute pan over low heat until chicken is ready.

6. Cook lingune seperately. Toss with 1tsp olive oil.

7. Preheat Broiler.

8. Place chicken in hot frying pan with all marinade ingredients. Sear both sides (1 minute on each side).

9. Cake top of chicken with parmesan cheese and Thyme.

10. Broil Chicken in melted butter 4-6 inches from heat, 3-4 minutes or till parmesan cheese is golden. Turn chicken over, cake other side with parmesan cheese and Thyme and broil for an additional 3-4 minutes or till chicken is done.

11. Remove from heat. Brush just enought pomodoro sauce over the chicken to cover, sprinkle with mozzeralla cheese and broil until cheese is melted and slightly crisp.

12. Serve with sauce over noodles.


