Chicken Pepper Pot Soup

Chicken Pepper Pot Soup

1. Cook chicken unitl half done. Set Aside.

2. Heat Chicken Stock, Soy Sauce, Garlic, Sugar, Sesame Oil, and Hot Sauce. (You can add Collard Greens at this point if desired.) Bring to Boil.

3. Make a slurry. Combine 1 Cup Cornstarch with 1 Cup Water and mix until all Cornstarch is disolved. Add to Stock and reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

4. Add all Vegetables and Chicken. Cook until Chicken and Vegetables are done. Another 20 to 30 minutes depending on Chicken.

5. Drizzle with Sesame Oil when serving. If desired, you can add fresh Spinach just before serving.


